Thursday, September 12, 2019

What is it to be Lost... and Found?

Jesus tells the parables of the lost sheep and the lost coin to the tax collectors and sinners who were coming near to hear him, and to the scribes and Pharisees who were grumbling and disdainfully saying that Jesus welcomed and ate with sinners. 

The lesson is about being lost, and then found. Who are the lost in these parables? We have all suffered loss. How do we deal with loss.  How many ways can, or do we, get lost? What is it like to be found, to find someone or something of value? How do these parables help us when we become lost? What do these parables have to say about what we value, how we are valued? About our relationship with God, each other, and our church?

Debie Thomas has an excellent article "On Lostness," which helps put things into perspective.  Kirk Kubicek has some surprising things to say about the God who throws a party for those or that which was lost in his The Wrath of God

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