Saturday, February 9, 2019

Change, Fear, and Trust

  • Isaiah 6:1-8, (9-13)  • 
  • Psalm 138  • 
  • 1 Corinthians 15:1-11  • 
  • Luke 5:1-11

  • There are so many things we can control, especially with ever changing technology. But what about things we can't control? How, or what, do we feel and think when we are faced with circumstances beyond our control?

    Quite often we approach change or circumstances beyond our control, or thought process, with awe, suspicion, skepticism, reluctance to change, and even fear. Today's gospel lesson tells of Jesus getting into Simon Peter's boat, addressing the crowd from the shore, and then telling Peter to casts his net into the sea. What did Peter say? What did he do? What did Jesus say?

    Sometimes the most difficult thing for us is change. Whether it is from habit or routine, something minor, or something life changing, how are we called to face circumstances which call for change?

    Consider The Rev. Denae Ashley's "Trusting Jesus."

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