Friday, November 9, 2018

Widows who gave all

This week widows figure prominently in our Scripture and lesson. The widow in 1 Kings is preparing what she thinks is the last meal for herself and her son when Elijah intervenes and asks her to prepare a cake for him. What does he say to her? What does she do? What is God's promise?

Jesus notices the widow who puts her last two coins into the temple treasury, and uses that to teach his disciples, and us, a lesson. What does Jesus say immediately before this happens? Is this more than a lesson about stewardship? What is the significance of the temple in the passage from Mark? Beyond stewardship, and God's care for the poor, hungry, and oppressed, what else can we take away from this lesson? What and how can we give? What happens if we do, or do not do as the widows did in these stories? Where is God in all of this? Read The Rev. Sharron Blezard's "When Less is More, " and The Rev. Debie Thomas' "The Widowed Prophet."

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