Saturday, October 13, 2018


This week we have the parable of the rich young ruler, who asks Jesus what he must do to "inherit" eternal life. We also see a common theme throughout God's word to us about what obsession with wealth and possessions and consumption can do to us, this week from the prophet Amos.

Is this lesson about material wealth or possessions, more, or both? Is eternal life something to be earned, or is it a gift already innate within us? What does Jesus mean when he talks about eternal life? Is it the here and now, some place we aspire to attain or reach, both, or more? What is abundant life? What all is involved when we talk about having or acquiring possessions.

What stands in the way of our "inheriting" eternal life? What is meant or implied in the use of the word "inherit?

Read these articles and give us your thoughts. "Possessions" by The Rev. Ken Kesselus, "The Perils of Riches," by Kenneth Carder, and "Material Things," by Andrew Warner.

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