Saturday, September 29, 2018

Stumbling Block or Stepping Stone


  • Esther 7:1-6, 9-10; 9:20-22 and Psalm 124  • 
  • Numbers 11:4-6, 10-16, 24-29 and Psalm 19:7-14  • 
  • James 5:13-20  • 
  • Mark 9:38-50

  • This week instead of vying among each  other as to who will be the greatest in Jesus's kingdom, as in last weeks gospel, the disciples go into an "us" versus 'Them" mode as they complain to Jesus about a stranger casting out demons in his name. What is Jesus' response? 

    Things are starting to get serious, urgent. Jesus has told the disciples what they don't want to hear. He has told them that he must suffer and die. This week is no different. He says not to be a stumbling block and gives some pretty gruesome examples. Why is he telling the disciples this? What would it be like if we cleared paths for our brothers and sister instead of putting road blocks in their way? What are some of the ways we are stumbling blocks to others? What can we do to not be stumbling blocks? See The Rev. Debie Thomas' "If It Causes You To Stumble."

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