Paul's first letter to the Christians in Corinth instructs them on why they should not eat the meat offered to idols. His reason is nuanced, offering insight into the responsible exercise of Christian freedom, considering rules, rights, responsibilities, principles, and people. See The Rev. Machrina Blasdell's "What's the Question."
Remember our discussion of the authority and power exercised by Jesus, ἐξουσία, authority associated with freedom instead of domination. An authority which when exercised and recognizes us frees us from powers which bind us, to do God's will, to love with God's love, to serve rather than be served. That is the authority recognized in Jesus' exorcism of the man from Capernaum possessed of an unclean Spirit. Can you think of teachings and practices of Jesus concerning eating, food, and banquets? How does that relate to Paul's instructions to the Christians of Corinth concerning eating the food offered to idols? Think about how Jesus used his authority. How should we, as the body of Christ, act in Jesus' name? Read what Sister Kym Harris says about the authority of Jesus in her .
In "Astounded," Debie Thomas wants us to be open to be astonished at the healing freedom Jesus offers as he speaks with authority so that even unclean spirits submit to him. What has he do do with us? Everything.
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