Thursday, August 10, 2017

A God who meets us in the storms of life

This week our Scripture ranges from Joseph's brothers selling him into slavery after deciding not to kill him, an exhausted, despairing and depressed Elijah needing desperately to hear from God as Jezebel seeks to have him killed, to Peter and the disciples cowering in a storm tossed sea when they see what?

Although I delighted in the story of Jesus walking on water as a child, and Peter trying to step out of the boat to go to Jesus, I confess, as I grew older, I had my doubts about the literal account. I believe he was both human and divine, and in his real presence, then and today.  I study Greek, and look at the story from the perspective of Jesus' words, "Take heart!" "Have courage!" θαρσεῖτε in Greek. He is the One who reaches out to lift us up, with grace, forgiveness - whatever we need to get through stormy seas.

Professor Alyce MacKenzie gives us so much more about this passage in "Walking Towards Us, A Reflection" on our gospel account from Matthew. It is on three web-linked pages, not very long, and is worth reading. As she says, Jesus is "...someone who never stands on the shore watching us suffer, but is always walking toward us on the sea, stretching out a hand to us—with forgiveness, with love. Reaching out a hand to us that is both very human, and the very hand of God."

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