Monday, June 5, 2017

Dancing in divine relationship - Trinity Sunday

This is Trinity Sunday. In "A glowing oven full of love," The Rev. Dr. Joseph Pagano discusses the social nature of God, and "relationship," within the Godhead, with God and us, and the relationships we have with each other. Part of our scripture is one of two creation stories from Genesis which says that we are created in the image and likeness of God. And God saw what he had created, and it was good. This is cause for celebration in relationships. Read the Genesis account and Psalm 8. 

Katrina K. Whitley, in The Mystery of the Trinity God , discusses the relationship of the Triune God in Richard Rohr's book, The Divine Dance: The Trinity and Your Transformation with references to Dorothy L. Sayer's book, The Mind of the Maker.  She discusses being created in the image of God, and the creative spirit with which God endowed us, comparing the creative process of Idea, Energy, and Power to God, the Word made flesh - the Son, and the Holy Spirit - the breath of God, the  παράκλητος  (paracletos) -  "one who consoles or comforts, one who encourages or uplifts; hence refreshes, and/or one who intercedes on our behalf as an advocate in court." Or from the Greek root words which mean "to make a call close- beside us, and advocate." Whitley reminds us that it was not enough that we were given the Word. We are to take the living Word to the ends of the earth. Read the passage from Matthew.  

 The power of God is with us in the creative dance of, and with, the divine. Read the Genesis account.

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