Saturday, February 25, 2017

Transformation of and through Jesus

Scripture: Exodus 24:12-18  •  Psalm 2 or Psalm 99  •  2 Peter 1:16-21  •  Matthew 17:1-9

This last Sunday of the Epiphany season we see the light shining brightest in Christ in his glory in the Transfiguration narrative of Matthew. With Moses and Elijah, Jesus is shown to fulfill (complete) the law and the prophets in all wholeness, reconciling us to God as God in man made manifest.

Just as the love and forgiveness of God through his Christ helps transform us today (See The Rev. Anne Howard's "A Word in Time,"), Christ, in all his glory, who took on all the pain, suffering and sin of man, is more than man (See Fred B. Craddock's "Christ is Not as We Are"), and is to be worshipped and gloried with the Father and Holy Spirit, one God, true light from true light, the Blessed Trinity.

And yet He is with us, and will draw us up, in our journey (See Stephen Paul Bouman's "Marias Full of Grace").

As we come down off the mountain, will we come down with Jesus to complete the work in his kingdom? Will we be transformed to see as God sees? (See Laurel A. Dykstra's "See and Listen")

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