Monday, May 23, 2016

Who is worthy?

Do you remember the mantra of Mike Myers and Dana Carvey in Wayne's World? "We're not worthy!" In both this week's epistle of Paul to the Galatians, and the healing of the Roman centurion's servant by Jesus, we can learn much about value and worthiness.
The Rev. Rick Morley has a good discussion of worth and worthiness in his "(un)worthiness." Is it something we earn, or achieve? Who is "worthy" of God's saving grace?
The Rev. David Lose tells us that we should never presume to judge someone by appearances, or believe that they are incapable of demonstrating faith and good works in "Unexpected Faith." He suggests that we offer two prayers this week. Pray to give thanks for people who do not believe as we do, but do good works and who are in our lives, and that we might have the grace to commend their good works, and show them God's love for them. The second prayer is for us. That we be less surprised that God uses people we have decided are unlikely or unexpected to do wonderful things.


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