Saturday, April 16, 2016

Are you the One? How can we know?

Scripture: Acts 9:36-43  • Psalm 23  • Revelation 7:9-17  • John 10:22-30

This Sunday is Good Shepherd Sunday. John's gospel relates Jesus' last public speech. Stan Duncan tells us it is winter, the season of Chislin and the feast of the Dedication/Renewal, the last encounter at feasts Jesus has with religious authorities of the Jews.  The Feast of Dedication, or Renewal (Hanukkah) was the most political of all the feasts, celebrating the re-consecration of the Temple with the Maccabees victory over Greek/ Syrian oppressors. Jesus was discovered walking through the colonnades built by Solomon at the height of Israel's national glory. 

The religious authorities confronted Jesus in high anxiety, wanting to know if he was the Davidic militaristic king/Messiah. What did Jesus tell them? 

Just as Jesus asked Peter and the disciples, "Who do you say I am?,"  who do we say Jesus is? Is he the One - the Messiah, the Lord of Light and Life? How can we know? Consider The Rev. Debie Thomas' "Belonging," and The Rev. Sharron Blezard's, "The Voice." Consider Stan Duncan's commentary on the passage from John's gospel in "Good Shepherd Sunday."

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