Saturday, March 5, 2016

"The Prodigal Son" in a culture of drug abuse and biting, hateful public discourse

Scripture: Joshua 5:9-12  • Psalm 32  • 2 Corinthians 5:16-21  • Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32

I had a wonderful church upbringing, but we did not observe Lent. I am thankful for the seasons my church observes. Observing Lent is taking the time and opportunity to take stock of ourselves, our lives - to reflect on what is really important. As I grow older, I am more able to part with that which is not really needed, and to value simpler things and gifts.

In "Letters to Prodigals, " The Rev. Debie Thomas sifts through what is going on in the lives of two sons Jesus tells us about in his parable of the prodigal son. In doing so, she examines her own life and perspectives, and invites to do so, also.

In her separate articles, "Commentary," and "Exposition," Sister Kym Harris contrasts the freeing joy of the father's welcome and forgiveness of his son who had gone astray, and returned, with a son held captive in bitterness, denying himself the capacity to live in dignity, freedom and love.

With youth dying from drug abuse, and the biting bitterness of our public discourse,what lessons can we learn from Jesus' parable? Shalom.

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