Saturday, December 26, 2015

Family and The Book of Life

Scripture: 1 Samuel 2:18-20, 26  •  Psalm 148  • Colossians 3:12-17  •  Luke 2:41-52 • John 1: 1-18 

This first Sunday after Christmas, also known as Holy Family Sunday, we get a brief glimpse - the only glimpse we have in the gospels - of Jesus' life as a boy, and his relationship with his parents, and with God in Luke's gospel. We also learn, from the first chapter of John, that Jesus was the "true light," as we say together the Nicene creed , reaffirming our faith, and that although he was sent to his own people, he was not accepted by them, and the world did not know him.

The Rev, Dr. Brett Patterson reflects on the passage about Hannah and Samuel, and Paul's letter to the Colossians offering incites about life after we welcome the Christ into our lives in "The Book of Life."

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