Saturday, July 25, 2015

Enough and More Than Enough

We are among the fortunate ones who have enough to eat. We don't have to look far to see those who don't. The ministry of Christ's Kitchen and the Food Pantry, and like efforts are needed now more than ever.

This week's gospel - the feeding of the 5,000, beginning with the five barley loaves and two fishes - shows us that in seeming scarcity, God provides abundantly if we are willing to share - no, care to share what we have  -  and if we are willing to receive, not take.  Notice how Jesus rejects the power structure of the world which strives to take what others have - a world view of scarcity, not abundance.

Are we needy? If so, for what? Scarcity brings with it fear. Fear of not having enough. A need to "get mine," before somebody else does. It breeds false security, possessiveness, and violence to "protect" what we have.

In "Dream or Deliverance," Jessie Larkins critically examines the "American Dream," in comparison with the dream of having enough, and more than enough. Think about this as you take the bread of life, and the cup of salvation in the presence and joy of Christ at the Table of the Lord. May the great "I AM, " deliver us. 

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