Thursday, May 21, 2015

Come Holy Spirit, Come

This is the Sunday of Pentecost, what some call the birthday of the Church. Tongues of fire dance around each of those gathered, each speaking in different languages but hearing and understanding what the very Breath (ruah - πνεῦμα) of God breathed into them. They were witnessed to, and taught all things to enable them to witness to the world. In "Pentecost B - Breathed Into,"
from Journey to Penuel:Wresttling to See the Face of God,  the author tells us that Pentecost is much more than the birthday of the Church, and much more than a personal spiritual experience. We are called to witness to the truth of God's redeeming love.

All of our authors tells us that the Spirit comes to witness to us and teach us in times of discomfort, and even in the midst of hatred and hostility, sadness, and uncertainty, and to comfort, guide us, support and sustain us with its holy presence. See Sister Kym Harris' Commentary and Reflection. Last week, on Ascension Sunday, Jesus used another term to describe the Spirit, which can only come as he departs - παράκλητος - paraclete - The Advocate, The Comforter.

Finally, consider Dan Clendenin's "The Comforter has Come: Everywhere, Always, For All
," a nice transition into the Spirit from Alan Rezek's wonderful teaching on Science and the Bible. 

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