Saturday, May 10, 2014

Shepherds, Sheep, Sacrifice and Moms

Scripture: Acts 2:42-47  • Psalm 23  • 1 Peter 2:19-25  • John 10:1-10

This Sunday is Mother's Day. How appropriate that we study God's word and life lessons in the imagery of shepherds, sheep and sacrifice. In this week's gospel passage, Jesus tells us that he is the shepherd and gate keeper of his sheep. What is he talking about? How are Moms good shepherds and gate keepers? What does this Good Shepherd and Moms do for their sheep? What can we do to become good shepherds and gate keepers? See John van de Laar's "Who Gets Sacrificed?"

What are we, as the sheep of God's pasture, called to do? See The Very Rev. Anthony Clavier's "Baptism into the Fold."


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