Thursday, April 24, 2014

Believing is seeing... I believe, Lord, help my unbelief...

Scripture: Acts 2:14a, 22-32  • Psalm 16  • 1 Peter 1:3-9  • John 20:19-31

This second Sunday of the Easter season we consider the gospel of John's account of  the "doubting" of the disciple Thomas. We are told that Jesus first appeared to the disciples in a room where Thomas was not present. When told of this, Thomas, with a mindset not unlike the empirical bias of our present times, said that he must see and put his fingers in the scars of Jesus' hand and his hand in Jesus' side, which was pierced. In other words, seeing is believing. What is going on here with Thomas? Where did Jesus make his appearance? What does Jesus say? What does Thomas do, (or not do), and say? For insight into this , and in dealing with grief, loss and disappointment see "Picking Up the Pieces," by John Jewell.

In an imagined conversation between Thomas and his grandson in Thomas' waning years, The Rev. Dr. Laura Mendenhall, in "Dealing with Mystery,"shows us how Jesus turned "seeing is believing" into "believing is seeing." Notice where this is likely to occur. I look forward to seeing you, and believing with you, Sunday!


  1. BTW Chuck, thanks for all your work on this blog...its great!

  2. Thank you, Fr. Paul. You will always be part of my life.
