Saturday, March 8, 2014

Two Adams, Two Gardens, Two Temptations

Scripture:  Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7  • Psalm 32  •  Romans 5:12-19  •  Matthew 4:1-11

This Sunday our Scripture is the tales of two Adams, two gardens and temptation. The first Adam in the garden of Eden, and Jesus, the second Adam in the garden of Gethsemane. How were each tempted and what was their response?

For Debie Thomas, Satan's temptation of Christ shows how God chooses restraint in the exercise of power. See "My Flannel Graph Jesus." What does that tell us about God's relationship with us? About how we are to relate to each other?

Sister Kym Harris discusses Jesus' response to Satan's temptation to regard himself first in his hunger reminding of God's provision for us in the true manna, Jesus, the bread of life, and the Word of God.  She also considers Satan's offer of dominion and power to Jesus if he bowed down to Satan. Who or what do we bow down to? See "This Sunday's Exposition."  In "This Sunday's Reflection, Harris tells us that what happens on the edges, and our response to weaknesses of the human condition, reveals much about our nature. Who and what do we trust when we experience the wilderness? What is the wilderness?


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