Thursday, February 20, 2014

Love your enemy... becoming whole in God's love

We finish up Matthew's 5th Chapter which began with the "Sermon on the Mount," followed by Jesus' teachings expanding upon the commandments. This week Jesus tells us to turn the other cheek, to love our enemies, to go the extra mile. Why is he telling us this? See The Rev. Mark Suriano's "Going Beyond" is a good synopsis and analysis of this great gospel account, culminating in the completeness and wholeness of God's love. Jesus tells us this is the way to life - life in abundance, eternal life - and when we can't go any further, in his loving sacrifice for us, with the grace of God's love and forgiveness, Jesus redeems us, reconciles us, and carries us the rest of the way.

The Rev. DanĂ¡e Ashley, in "Stone Soup" develops this further from a community perspective: "God’s love is seen in the world when communities are concerned with compassion, justice, and care of everyone, especially the most vulnerable."


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