Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Faith Living: When Temples Fall - Getting Over Ourselves

Over the last few weeks we have explored "faith living" - living the Life Christ calls us to live in such a way that it is so innately a part of what we say and do, that we don't have to even think about it. You might say that God's presence becomes manifest in us. Appropriate, as we approach a new Advent season.

Some of the lessons we have learned are: (1) keep it simple, and go about our work and what is expected of us, with our "hand to the plow" - the reward will come; (2) go about our work with a spirit of humble and joyous thanks and praise for God's gift of a present hope and blessing; (3) the lesson of keeping our faith through persistent prayerful relationship with God, which builds trust and assurance that God's will will be done in God's good time, and God's purpose for us will be fulfilled; (4) learning to see others as Jesus sees them, and us; (4) sharing our faith with the great and the small, and learning to appreciate the love and worth God has for all of us, crossing boundaries of shame, guilt and the judgment of men; and, (5) living a "resurrection" life from the perspective of  being generous with the abundance of life God has given us.

This week as we hear Jesus tell us about the destruction of the temple, and what many have called the "end times," we learn to not invest ourselves, our lives, our hopes and dreams in transient things, but in that which endures, and lasts forever - even when and as "temples fall." See The Rev. Dr. Janet H. Hunt's "Falling Temples." How do we do that? See
Alyce M. McKenzie's "Get Over Yourself!"

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