Thursday, June 13, 2013

Givers and Takers - A Matter of Life and Death

This week we have stories of greed and destructive possessiveness contrasted with extravagant giving - one leading to death, the other leading to life, and not just life, but life in abundance - joyous living. We learn more about what sin is in the story of Ahab and Jezebel with Naboth's vineyard, and the sin of David in his lust for Bathsheba as he sends Uriah to his death in battle. See The Rev. Janice B. Scott's "What is sin?"
In Luke's account of the "sinful woman" who washes Jesus' feet with an expensive ointment from an alabaster jar, and her tears, and dries them with her hair, we really see what extravagant love is. Luke does not place this story immediately prior to the passion story. It is in the midst of Jesus' teaching of forgiveness - the ultimate giving, which frees us from the control of hate, spite, anger and what ever else would separate us from loving God and our neighbor, and getting on with living. In this kind of giving we can experience the joy and peace God intends for us to have, and to share. See "Alabaster Extravagance" by The Rev. Dr. Mary Anderson.


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