Tuesday, May 7, 2013

'...That they might be one.'

Scripture: Acts 16:16-34  •  Psalm 97  •  Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20-21  •  John 17:20-26

This week's gospel account is Jesus' prayer for us before his ascension: that we might be one as he and the Father are one, that we might share the love of the Father with him. This is a time of tension before Jesus' ascension - between his absence in human form, and his life giving spirit presence. This is a precursor to Trinity Sunday and Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit breathed life into the Church.

This is also a call for unity. What does it mean to be one in Christ? Do we give up our individuality? How can we be one in Christ when, as individuals, we have different opinions, viewpoints and experiences?

Consider The Rev. Dr. Janet Hunt's "A Unity Not of Our Own Making," Professor John W. Martens' "Heaven-Sent," and Pastor David Risendal's "As We Are One."

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