Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Passion and Extravagant Love in Lent?

Scripture: Isaiah 43:16-21 •  Psalm 126  • Philippians 3:4b-14  •  John 12:1-8

Passion - extravagant love, in Lent? This week we have John's account of the story of the woman who poured precious nard over the feet of Jesus, and wiped them with her hair. According to John this is Mary, sister of Martha and Lazarus, not Mary Magdalene, or a prostitute as we are told in other gospel accounts. The point is that she, more than anyone else, recognizes Jesus for who he is - humanly and as the Savior of us all - and anoints not his head, but his feet, which will carry him to his crucifixion, and glory. She participates in the passion of Christ, losing herself, unconcerned about what others may think, and shows deep and extravagant, unfettered love to our Lord. 

Thanks be to God, Jesus got to experience the honor due his name before his Passion. Thanks be to God for this story, and Mary. Like her, we can participate in that passion, too - for God, and each other. What better time to reflect on such love, its beauty and sacrifice, than in the season of Lent.

Check out these wonderful articles which give us insight into the extravagant, passionate love which Christ wants for us, and gives to us.Daniel B. Clendenin's "She Did What She Could - Mary Anoints Jesus at Bethany," and Rachel Mann's "Passion Sunday: the Politics of Passion (John 12-1-8).

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