Wednesday, December 5, 2012

“This isn’t the way it’s supposed to be”

ScriptureBaruch 5:1-9 or Malachi 3:1-4  • Luke 1:68-79  • Philippians 1:3-11  •  Luke 3:

In the second Sunday of Advent we read about the voice of one crying in the wilderness, "'Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight."  We read of him in the prophesy of Malachi, and in the Song of Zechariah, the no-nonsense, urgent message of John the Baptist, clothed in skins of wild beasts, sustained on a diet of locusts and honey - Repent of your sins, for the kingdom of God is at hand!

We are in the season of Emmanuel, God come near, and John the Baptist prepares us by telling us to "Repent!" How is this "good news?" See "This isn't the way it's supposed to be," by The Rev. Dr. Joseph S. Pagano. John prepares us for the good news of the gospel, which is Greek for "good news." Pagano has a good discussion of what sin is, and why it is good news that we know that something isn't what it should be, and the liberating power of forgiveness along with a vision of hope and a way to  "shalom," God's peace.

It wouldn't be Advent without "Anticipation." As Lance Moore tells us In "Anticipating the Advent," children know it. If only we adults could reclaim some of the anticipation and surprise, the excitement and wonder, of a child’s Christmas . . . or of the very first Christmas. And yet, today's lesson is about preparedness. How do we prepare to be surprised?


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