Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Moving Beyond "It is what it is."

As we end Lectionary Year B, last week we considered endings and beginnings - the birthpangs of God's kingdom Jesus shared with his disciples. Endings and beginnings. Not always comfortable - in fact, shaking up our complacency with the way things are is what Jesus is up to.

We have been told that the first shall be last and the last first, that it is hard to participate in God's kingdom if we are preoccupied with wealth, possessions, and even our own personal agendas. Being open to change of everything about ourselves, our relationship with God and our neighbors will help us to move beyond "it is what it is," to it can and will become what God ordains us, and our relationships with God, and our neighbors, to be. 

This week is "Christ the King" Sunday. Think about the reversals and different way of thinking - metanoia - turning our mindsets,or repentance, Jesus calls us to do when thinking about the kingship of Jesus. The first step beyond "it is what it is," and "becoming who we are called to be," is to realize we are beloved - so beloved of God. See  A King's Gift by The Rev. David Lose, or as he puts it,"we are enough."  What is different about this King of Kings, and the life we are called to? What are we known for? What will be remembered for? Read The Servant King with Scars by Bishop Ronald Warren.

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