Tuesday, July 24, 2012

"Reflections on God's Power"

We have followed David’s story from shepherd boy to king the last few weeks as well as stories of Jesus’ healing compassion.  We have seen God working through the small and lowly, in ways we might not expect, looking to our hearts. Two weeks ago David danced in the street and brought the ark of the covenant into the center of the kingdom – much like the gospel is brought into the center of our nave and read in the midst of God’s people in our church service. Last week David wanted to build God a house. God, who travels with his people in a tent, instead promised to establish the house and throne of David forever, promising that a son of David would be as a son to God. God took on a tent of flesh in the presence of our Lord.

This week we have several passages concerning feeding God’s people. Something the people of St. Mark’s has made part of our mission in housing and supporting Christ’s Kitchen. In the account in John’s gospel of the feeding of the five thousand from two fish and five loaves, John shows God’s power at work. Kate Huey, in her “Reflections,” brings together many themes in this week’s lesson about God’s power. What are the various themes she discusses, and comparisons she makes, in helping us discern the power and abundance of God’s love?

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