Tuesday, April 17, 2012

From Doubt to Despair to a Living Hope

Scripture: Acts 3:12-19, Psalm 4, 1 John 3:1-7, Luke 24:36b-48

We have asked what Easter means to you, and last week we asked what Jesus' resurrection means to you. Last week we considered "doubt" as we studied Thomas' need to see the physical wounds of the risen body of Jesus in order to believe. Thomas and the other disciples did not become divided or exclusive of each other because Thomas could not accept what he was told. What is it that made Thomas come back to the group, and the group to accept him? We discussed the opposite of faith - fear and certainty, and how they keep us from seeing the risen Christ in new ways which change us into resurrected people, Easter people, and as Sam reminded us, people of hope.

And hope is the main theme of this week's lesson. The risen Christ brings hope and new life from doubt, revives us from ennui and despair. This week's lesson ties in with "signs of the resurrection," which we discussed last week. Read The Rev. David T. Ball's "Really Believing in the Resurrection." What is it to have hope? Consider Prof. Paul Tillich's discussion of hope in "The Right to Hope." What does the resurrection mean to you? What does hope in Christ mean to you? What is it to be "born anew to a living hope?"

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