Tuesday, March 27, 2012

"and he entered Jerusalem on a borrowed donkey..."

ScripturePsalm 118: 1-2; 19-29; Mark 11: 1-11; John 12: 12-16;  and Philippians 2:5-11; Mark 14:1-15:47

We have studied God's covenants with us this Lent. We know of his love for us.  This week, holy God lays it on the line . Things are not what they seem. The Messiah makes a triumphant entry into God's holy city. What kind of king enters Jerusalem on a donkey, and a borrowed donkey at that?  Hosanna, which means 'Save us!' A king washing the feet of his disciples. The Lord's Supper in the upper room. Gethsemane. Betrayal. Trial. Torture. Scourge. Humiliation. Crucifixion. Surrender. Forgiveness. Death. How does God bring about his plan of salvation? Read The Rev. Bill Carter's "The Best Things Are Borrowed."

What does he ask of us? What are we, as disciples, called to do?  This week we remember how the Savior of the world is the One who borrows a donkey to ride downhill to his cross. Are we willing to fetch donkeys? See Thomas G. Long's "Donkey Fetchers."

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