Wednesday, August 17, 2011

This week's Scripture. Exodus 1:8-2:10 and Psalm 124 (or Isaiah 51:1-6 and Psalm 138); Romans 12:1-8; Matthew 16:13-20

In this week's gospel lesson, Jesus asks "Who do you say I am?" The disciples give answers they probably have heard, but Simon - renamed Peter form πετρα - petra - Greek for rock - immediately says that Jesus is the Messiah - χριστοσ (Christ) - the Son of the Living God. Jesus replies that only God could have made this known to him, and that upon this rock, He will build his church, giving Peter the keys of the kingdom. 
In "How Do We Know What God Is Like?" The Very Rev. Dr. Ian Markham gives us many looks at what God is like. What is God like?  In "Who do you think you are?" Paul Bellan-Boyer does what Jesus does. He turns the focal point on us. Why does Jesus do this?
Bellan-Boyer says ; "Self-awareness, knowing ourselves, helps us relate to God.

The Jesuits use a daily prayer of self-examination, which asks things like:
· [God,] When did I sense your presence the most in my day?
· When did your presence seem farthest away from me in my day?
· How were you loving me in my day?
· How were you loving me even when your presence seemed far away?
· How did I respond to your love in my day?
Why is it important to know who we are? Who do you think you are?

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