Thursday, October 31, 2013

Faith living: Sharing Across Lines of Shame, Guilt and Judgment of Men

We continue our lessons in "faith living." We have read and discussed scripture and articles which have provided things to consider in living out the gospel innately, so that it becomes so much a part of us that we manifest God's presence and love.

Some of the lessons we have learned are: (1) keep it simple, and go about our work and what is expected of us, with our "hand to the plow" - the reward will come; (2) go about our work with a spirit of humble and joyous thanks and praise for God's gift of a present hope and blessing; (3) and the lesson of keeping our faith through persistent prayerful relationship with God, which builds trust and assurance that God's will will be done in God's good time, and God's purpose for us will be fulfilled.

Last week we discussed Jesus' parable of the publican and the Pharisee, and discussed how we see and judge others, (4) learning to see others as Jesus sees them, and us.

This week, the next lesson in "faith living" concerns (5) sharing our faith, as we read about Jesus' encounter with Zacchaeus, with the great and the small, and learning to appreciate the love and worth God has for all of us, crossing boundaries of shame, guilt and the judgment of men.

Consider "Doing Faith," by The Rev. Ben E. Heller, and  "Camouflaged by Shame," by The Rev. Peter Woods.


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Self Righteous Judgment

Scripture: Jeremiah 1:4-10  • Psalm 71:1-6  • 1 Corinthians 13:1-13  • Luke 4:21-30

The last few weeks we have considered lessons in "faith living." We have read and discussed scripture and articles which have provided things to consider in living out the gospel innately, so that it becomes so much a part of us that we manifest God's presence and love.

Some of the lessons we have learned are: (1) keep it simple, and go about our work and what is expected of us, with our "hand to the plow" - the reward will come; (2) go about our work with a spirit of humble and joyous thanks and praise for God's gift of a present hope and blessing; (3) and, as we considered last week, the lesson of keeping our faith through persistent prayerful relationship with God, which builds trust and assurance that God's will will be done in God's good time, and God's purpose for us will be fulfilled.

Last week we discussed Jesus' parable of the unjust judge. This week, the next lesson in "faith living" concerns our judgment of others.

Consider Bruce Maples' article "Seeing Others as Zeros," and The Rt. Rev. Tony Clavier's "Are We Like the Righteous Man?"

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Unjust Judges, Faith, Prayer and Perseverance

The headlines have been full of stories about an unjust judge, and other corrupt politicians in our State. This week Jesus continues "faith lessons" with a story of a widow who persists in calling on the unjust judge who gives her justice so she won't wear him out by continually calling on him. Jesus tells us how much quicker God will grant justice to those who call on him day and night.

We have had a series of lessons about faith the last few weeks. I have often thought how we can carry out God's call to us, to live in discipleship without having to think about it, or rationalize it, so that it is such an innate part of us, that God's compassion, love, mercy and justice are manifest in and through us in all we say or do.

Two weeks ago, part of that answer was given - keep it simple, like servants who know what is expected of them, and continue to work without regard for the reward. Last week, we were told to go on living our lives joyously, in thankfulness and praise, and not let the opportunity to hear God's call slip by, even in the midst of crisis, uncertainty - even in exile, and even when we need an exodus. Through all of this, Jesus tells us "Your faith has made you whole."

Drawing on the 2nd letter to Timothy and the gospel reading for this week, The Rev. Nils Chittenden in "Patina of Faith," discusses "tradition" and "reason" and building a trusting relationship with God through persistent calling on him.

The Rev. Kate Huey, in "Ask Boldly, Live Justly/To Speak and Be Heard,"puts this week's gospel in context when she tells us what the word "widow," in that ancient culture, meant and signified. God hears the persistent cries, and prayers of "the silent one," one who is unable to speak, because society considers them unworthy - people without a voice. Sound familiar? The very people Jesus associated with, healed, fed, and liberated by his teaching, love, compassion, and the grace and mercy of his sacrifice on the cross.

This third step of faith enabling us to act out God's love and faith innately, without a second thought, is praying and building a relationship with God which results in trust, and gives us hope that God's will be done in God's time.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Living in Limbo - A Crisis is a Terrible Thing to Waste

These days, more than any time I can remember, it seems like we are living in limbo - waiting for something to happen, not making things happen. Is this what God calls us to do?

In this week's readings, Israel is in Babylonian exile, Paul is in prison. What is the prophet Jeremiah's message to those in exile? What can Paul do in prison?
You've heard the saying "when life serves you lemons, make lemonade." What are we, as Christians, called to do in times of uncertainty, of crisis, when our circumstances and lives change, or face changes? See Daniel P. Clendenin's "A
Crisis is a Terrible Thing to Waste - Israel in Exile, Paul in Jail," and The Rev. Rick Morley's "Proper 23: betwixt, between, nowhere, everywhere."

Exile and the Kingdom (L'Exil et le royaume) is a 1957 collection of six short stories by French-Algerian writer Albert Camus.

These works of fiction cover the whole variety of existentialism, or absurdism, as Camus himself insisted his philosophical ideas be called. The clearest manifestation of the ideals of Camus can be found in the story "La Pierre qui pousse." This story features D'Arrast, who can be seen as a positive hero as opposed to Meursault in The Stranger. He actively shapes his life and sacrifices himself in order to help a friend, instead of remaining passive. The moral quality of his actions is intensified by the fact that D'Arrast has deep insight into the absurdity of the world but acts morally nevertheless (not unlike the main character in The Plague). [from Wikipedia]

How does this worldview compare with the Scripture lessons this week, with Christ's "good news"? 

Rick Morley tells us "When you come through the wilderness, the yoke of slavery, the impending reality of graduation, marriage, or retirement – the potential for the grace of God is rich. And the potential for us to miss the holy significance of it is also rife."  

Will we miss the holy significance of the opportunities presented to us to love and serve God and our neighbors?




Thursday, October 3, 2013

What did he just say? KISS!

What did Jesus just say? He's at it again. In Luke's gospel we have considered some hard stories to hear. Squandering, philandering sons, dishonest managers and beggars getting rewards! And this week, hard working slaves are told to come to the table only after they have finished their work, and rather than to expect to be commended for their work, they are to say "We have only done what we ought to have done!"

As Christopher Burkett says, it is no wonder the disciples said to Jesus, "Increase our faith!" What is the point of these parables? Consider The Rev. Rick Morley's "keeping it simple -  a reflection on Luke 17:5-10"; The Rev. Robert Cornwall's "Just Fulfilling My Duty --Lectionary Reflection (Pentecost 20C)"; and Christopher Burkett's "Love bade me welcome."

"KISS: Keep it simple stupid." Is there something in that?